Beyond Kegels: The Real Deal with Pelvic Floor Fitness

We’ve all heard about Kegels and their magic for pelvic floor strength, but let’s get real – lying on your back and squeezing isn’t the whole story.

Sure, Kegels have their perks, but they’re just one piece of the puzzle. Imagine your pelvic floor as a superhero team – Kegels are like the captain, but there’s a whole squad behind them.n

Think big: beyond Kegels, here’s what matters:

Core Power: It’s not just about the surface muscles. Deep core stabilization is like the foundation of a sturdy house – you need it to hold everything up, including your pelvic floor.

Teamwork: Lumbopelvic control is the buddy system at work. Your lower back and pelvis need to communicate and work together like dance partners for a smooth, strong pelvic floor performance.

Smooth Moves: Coordination training is like teaching your muscles to tango. It’s about getting the right muscles to join the party at the right time, ensuring your pelvic floor is a star performer.

Real-Life Tests: Functional loading is the ultimate challenge. It’s like taking your pelvic floor to the gym and teaching it to handle real-life situations.

Kegels are great, but they’re just the beginning. Dive into deep core love, perfect your teamwork, groove with coordination, and conquer real-life tests.

If your routine feels like a broken record, switch the track!

The “Ins” and “Outs” of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

At Wonsettler Physical Therapy, we believe in providing the best care and the latest techniques to help you achieve optimal pelvic health.

Today, we’re going to break down the “Ins” and “Outs” of pelvic floor physical therapy.

What’s In: Functional Training

Gone are the days of generic exercises. Functional training is the move! We focus on exercises that mimic real-life movements, helping you to improve your pelvic floor’s function during daily activities.n

What’s Out: Blindly Prescribing Kegels

The one-size-fits-all approach to pelvic floor exercises is a thing of the past. We believe in customizing our treatments to meet your unique needs. Blindly prescribing Kegels is no longer our go-to solution; instead, we analyze your specific pelvic floor issues and tailor a personalized exercise plan just for you.n

What’s In: Dynamic Core Stabilizationn

Bid farewell to belly gripping! Dynamic core stabilization is the way to go. We’ll teach you how to engage your core muscles effectively without resorting to excessive gripping, helping you achieve a balanced and functional core that supports your pelvic floor.n

What’s Out: “No Pain, No Gain”n

We know that pushing yourself to the limit doesn’t always yield the best results, especially when it comes to pelvic floor therapy. Our approach focuses on restorative movements and down-regulating the nervous system. We want you to feel comfortable and at ease during your sessions, ensuring a positive and effective healing process.

What’s In: Plyometric Training

Say goodbye to the notion that leakage is normal, especially for women. We believe in empowering our clients through plyometric training, building strength, and confidence to overcome pelvic floor challenges. No more excuses – we’re here to help you regain control.

What’s Out: One Size Fits Alln

At Wonsettler Physical Therapy, we understand that every individual is unique. That’s why we provide 1:1 specialized care, tailoring our treatments to suit your specific needs and goals. Your journey to pelvic health is just as special as you are, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

In conclusion, pelvic floor physical therapy is evolving, and we’re at the forefront of this exciting transformation. Say hello to functional training, dynamic core stabilization, restorative movements, plyometric training, and personalized care. And bid farewell to blindly prescribing Kegels, belly gripping, the “no pain, no gain” mentality, and the idea that leakage is normal.

How Can I Prevent Back Pain?

If you’ve experienced low back pain after lifting heavy objects, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are simple yet effective techniques you can adopt to minimize the risk of such discomfort. Here are three essential tips to incorporate into your lifting routine:

1. Engage Your Core: Before lifting anything, activate your stomach muscles. By gently flexing and engaging these muscles, you provide vital stability to the lower part of your spine. Placing your hands on your abdomen can help you feel the muscles tense as you prepare to lift, ensuring you’re employing the correct technique.

2. Bend with Care: To avoid strain on your lower back, remember to bend at your legs, not your waist. Instead of hunching over, which can stress your spine, bend at your hips, knees, and ankles. This technique not only offers more strength but also prevents unnecessary stretching of your back muscles.

3. Maintain Proper Alignment: When approaching the object you’re about to lift, ensure you square up with it. Avoid reaching and twisting, which can place undue stress on your lower back. By positioning yourself squarely in front of the item, you can maintain a stable and balanced posture while lifting.

Incorporating these three techniques can significantly reduce the risk of low back pain when lifting heavy objects. Remember, a strong core, proper bending, and mindful alignment are your allies in promoting a healthy back and preventing discomfort. So, the next time you’re faced with a hefty load, apply these strategies to lift with confidence and keep your back pain-free.